Monday, April 4, 2011


As I sit here watching this Butler game I can't help but think back to last year when the bulldogs took their first trip to the championship game and I took a trip to China. Yes, I have been to China. I still have a hard time believing it and it's been a year! When I first got back I felt like a new mom in the taking in phase where I had to tell stories about my trip over and over and over again just to believe that I had actually taken this trip. As the trip became more in the past and I started focusing on other things- graduating, finding a job, raising a puppy, moving out, and most recently becoming an aunt the stories became few and far between. But tonight I busted out my book of pictures from this trip and it brought such a HUGE smile to my face. Sure there were times on the trip when my culture shock was so bad that I just wanted to go home to my own bed and  yes there were many a text sent home to parents asking for care packages of pbjs because we didn't know if we could survive two weeks on the food but looking back it was such and AWESOME AWESOME experience. I mean how many people can say they actually climbed the great wall or tried duck tongue- not many!! Not only did I see sights not many people get to see but I got to know some beautiful people- both my fellow travelers and the wonderful students that hosted us for the majority of our trip. This trip allowed to me to realize the beauty God has spread all over this planet and it's not limited to my small little sphere of a life! So here are a few pictures from my trip they really can't do it justice but they're great all the same!

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